Saturday, 20 December 2014

Unusual Doctrines

For God has put everything under His feet. But when it says 'everything' is put under Him, it is obvious that He who puts everything under Him (Christ) is the exception. And when everything is subject to Christ, then the Son Himself will also be subject to the One who subjected everything to Him, so that God may be all in all.
Otherwise what will they do who are baptising for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, then why are people baptized for them? 1 Cor 15:27-29

Paul is teaching the Corinthians that God exalted Christ and gave Him rulership over all things, except Himself.

He then launches into a concept that we do not practice or endorse, and neither did he, the baptising for the dead. The Corinthians had collected a raft of false doctrines and this was one, which Paul uses in his argument with them about the resurrection from the dead. He was saying: why do you bother with this practice you have adopted if there is no resurrection, it does not make sense. Not a lot of what they were doing made sense.

The Corinthians, again, show what happens to a group of believes who do not have good leadership or teaching, they have created all manner of false doctrines. This shows me why a Christian must stay connected to a good church and be actively involved. Watching church on-line is not enough. The fact that you show up and talk and fellowship gives your life an opportunity to be challenged by truth. Proverbs says: a man thinks a certain way until someone comes along and challenges him.

In isolation we create all sorts of crazy ideas and these all come out of the flesh, what we watch, read and associate with. A Sunday christian is in real danger of being lost. Amen!

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