Tuesday 27 June 2017

Be Serious!

Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him and be firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.
1 Peter 5:8‭-‬9 HCSB

We all want people to take us seriously. Here we are being encouraged to be serious. What is this in reference to? I think as a Christian I must accept the serious fact that I am in a war and that I have an enemy-the devil. We have this in-built desire for an easy life. Where do we get this idea from? Perhaps from childhood. If it is from childhood then we need to grow up and accept reality. We are in a war.

We all see ads for people to join the armed forces. Whilst the ads make things look attractive there is danger and injury, sometimes fatal injury. Recently American seamen were killed in peacetime just through a collision. When we are not serious about our walk with Christ we can collide with things. We need to be alert and on guard at all times.

Enemies wait for their opponents to relax and lower their guards, then they strike. Our adversary is the same. He is prowling around looking, just as a lion on the hunt. We cannot assume it is all done. Caleb was 80 and taking his promised land. There is no retirement as a Christian. Billy Graham is in his 90s and still strong in faith. He may be more feeble in body but his spirit is ablaze for Christ and His kingdom.

We must be firm,in faith. Faith is an active word, a doing word. Faith takes territory. Faith seeks more of God. Faith never fails. Stand firm IN faith. Amen!

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