Saturday 8 July 2017

Christ In Me

For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If One died for all, then all died. And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised.
2 Corinthians 5:14‭-‬15 HCSB

Paul is giving a defence. He has been accused of being out of his mind in his zeal for Gentile believers. I am sure many missionaries are accused likewise by those who are freshly and only look at the outward appearance. These people would have dismissed John the Baptist as well.

Jesus did indeed die for all mankind. All are covered by His perfect sacrifice, all have been offered forgiveness. That not all accept this wonderful gift does not make it any less powerful. We live in a godless age, where people are lovers of self rather than lovers of God.

Christ's love took Him to the cross. He purchased our freedom and forgiveness. Therefore I should no longer live as a slave to my flesh but rather a slave to His grace and mercy.

We can be disappointed on how our family choose to go but the love of Christ in us requires us to be steadfast in grace and mercy towards them. We do not know how Christ in us will impact on those we love. What would He do? What does He do? I am compelled to do likewise. Amen!

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