Sunday 23 July 2017

Divine Wisdom

But as it is written: What eye did not see and ear did not hear, and what never entered the human mind — God prepared this for those who love Him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 HCSB

The people in Israel never expected God to want a personal relationship with them, again. Adam had had this but they had decided, at the time of Moses, they did not. When Jesus arrived, even the disciples thought He was a returned King. God's wisdom was, as C.S. Lewis called it, 'deep magic.' Satan, who is not, and never has been relational, did not suspect it.

When I read the Old Testament I see Christ woven through it. Yet before Christ it was a difficult story book. The fact that the God of all the universe wants a relationship with us is mind blowing. Why would He do that? We are a messed up bag of creatures.

Last night I had astronomy again. We were having a guided tour of the night sky. Looking up always causes me to wonder at my God. He is so magnificent. When I see His handiwork I am amazed. How good is God!

Us, who have been called and made one with Him, must now build on this relationship. Each and every relationship must be nurtured and built upon.

Recently I lost my faithful dog Emma, who was 16. Now even though she was old, dying by being run over was not a good way to die. I still grieve for her as I loved her. However, I knew I must move on and so bought a dog that had been left by his owners. He had been cast off. This little man, Oscar, is trying to win my love and affection. To again cast him off would be most unfair. When we experience loss or disappointment it is destructive for us to cast off our relationship with our God. As we sit in the ashes, like Job, and mourn our loss we can find our way back to our God. He is forever good. This life sucks at times but He has promised to be with us through all. Amen!

We cannot rail at God with the line: "If God loved me why did He let this happen to me?" Get real! God is not a fairy godmother and life is real. Jesus Himself told us to: 'pick up our cross and follow Him'. This indicated we will suffer. As we suffer well the gospel is preached. Think on that!

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