Monday 3 July 2017

Who Can I Run To?

But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them shout for joy forever. May You shelter them, and may those who love Your name boast about You. For You, Lord , bless the righteous one; You surround him with favor like a shield.
Psalms 5:11‭-‬12 HCSB

When a storm comes we run for cover. If we find good, warm cover we are delighted and are grateful. We can then stand and watch the storm in safely and actually enjoy the storm. Might I suggest we have such a shelter in our God. We can run to Him and be sheltered under the shadow of His wings, safe and warm in His feathers. Now, we can turn and watch the storm in safety and without fear. Amen!

I have always enjoyed storms. Mind you I have not been caught in a tornado or a nasty cyclone. However, I have sister who lives in cyclone country, up, North Western Australia in a place called Karratha. She has weathered a cyclone and lived to tell the tale. If you are prepared and do as you have been instructed, if your house is built of the right material, then your chances in such storms are greater.

We have been instructed where to build, on the Rock; we have been instructed how to build, out of that which is precious in God's sight. If we have done all to stand, then stand!

I can stand knowing I have done all and that I have such a God to run to in the storm. We have a storm raging at present. Never have we seen it so opening as we do now: good verses evil. The evil nature of our enemy is naked before our eyes and good men and women are being accused of intolerance by the intolerant and haters of the gospel. It is time to stand and trust our God! Amen!

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