Tuesday 4 July 2017

Love, Power and a Sound Mind

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.
2 Timothy 1:7 HCSB

As I read chapter 1 of 2Timothy i am made aware that Paul is writing to strengthen and encourage Timothy, bringing to mind his beginning and heritage amd Paul's love for him and belief in him.

A pioneer or overseerer will face discouragement often. I know I am constantly faced with it and the loneliness of it. I must find God in that place because He alone is my strength. No-one else can fulfill me like He can. No-one has all the answers, like He does.

Times of discouragement come and go, much like the waves, yet the happenings of life are not my anchor but He is. He is unchangeable, and so and grateful He is. My friends cannot save me from life, they help, a great deal. Only He, my God, has power to touch me where I need it, deep within my soul.

My God has given me: love, power and a sound mind. These are gifts indeed. There are many that give up life because of depression. I don't have to go there. His gifts save me. Amen!

I have a dear friend who thinks they are clinically depressed. However, I know that they just don't know they are loved by God to the depths of their being yet. I am watching God set this person free, it is a wonder to behold. I have stayed faithful to this friend and allowed the freedom in Christ, in me, to minister. I love being on team with the Lord. He is good. Amen!

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