Thursday 17 August 2017

Gentle Wisdom

Who is wise and has understanding among you? He should show his works by good conduct with wisdom’s gentleness.
James 3:13 HCSB

There are a lot of opinions given today. People are very quick to criticise, especially those in power. Yet we dislike those who pull down. Even in Christianity we have our critics. Yet, if we judge them by the above scripture, they are unwise.

The American president is one of the most vilified men I know. Even in church there are jokes about him. Perhaps there should be prayers offered on his behalf. The advantage the Christian has is a connection to God.

When people annoy us we are prone to criticise and react. Yet God would have us be gentle. My natural inclination is not gentleness but I am trying to yield my reactions to God and wait for His answer before I speak or act. Gentleness is coming. It is a small bud on the stem but patience will see it flower. Amen!

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