Wednesday 9 August 2017

He is Coming

On that day Yahweh will become King over all the earth — Yahweh alone, and His name alone.
Zechariah 14:9 HCSB

Chapter 14 of Zechariah is a prophetic chapter which speaks to end times. Nations will war against Israel and actually plunder the city of Jerusalem, but God shows up. Then He sets up His kingdom on earth and rules from Jerusalem. Any who do not pay homage to Him are cursed and experience no rain.

This day is fast approaching. As the world teeters on destruction and there are rumors of war, sin is rampant and persecution of God's people is rife. There is a war in the spirit against God's saints and His purposes. The enemy knows his time is short. He is marching to his destiny- the lake of fire.

God has the last word. As proud nations rise up and spew forth their venemon God will not be silenced. The very God they deny opposes them and stands against them. Just when the West thinks God is dead He will appear. He will rule and reign. Amen!

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