Sunday 6 August 2017

No Shame

But if anyone suffers as a “Christian,” he should not be ashamed but should glorify God in having that name.
1 Peter 4:16 HCSB

Suffering as a Christian would be happening more and more now. The gloves are off. The enemy has rallied his troops behind the feel good crowd - the sexual revolution. For a Christian to disagree or oppose the movement there is hell to pay. Even in my country, Australia. In South Australia, in a small community called Marion, the local council is asking for opposition by flying the rainbow flag and if the Christians oppose, no funding for youth projects. (It reminds me of the queen in Alice in Wonderland- 'off.with their heads')

However, as Christians we can ask for trouble by having opinions. In Tasmania a local minister is being persecuted for blogs from as far back as 2011. Oh dear! Exception has been taken against the gospel and the bible, as it dares to speak to behaviour and sin. No longer does society tolerate preaching about sin. I wonder why? Perhaps it may lead to repentance?

So, what can the Christian do? Pray! Pray for our countries, our politicians our neighbours. Pray for God's will to be done. May His kingdom come. Amen! Perhaps, just perhaps, we are in this mess because of our own slackness- have we been diligent in prayer? I hear the scripture- ' if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.'

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