Sunday 27 August 2017

The Greatest is......

Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13 HCSB

How did Paul know that love was greater? Here was a single man who had no intimate experience, an apostle who spends a lot of time on the road and whose teaching was straight as a pole. Yet, as you read Paul's epistles you cannot argue, this man must know the One of whom he speaks and has an intimate relationship with Him.

The love Paul does indeed speak of is the love of God. The love of man is fickle and dependent on how others treat it. But the love of God is constant and does not withdraw.

We see so many murders and a lot of domestic violence. Why? Where has the love gone? It has been replaced by hate. Hate makes us do things we will later regret. Hate divides families and friends. Yet God's love never fails.

Last night I played Miss Marple in a Murder Mystery Party I wrote. It was a great success. No-one guessed the murderer. The red herrings were successful in deflecting the eyes from the truth. I wasn't a good Miss Marple, I laughed too much and the other players were very good. The murderers successful 'killed' three people.

Whilst the play was fun the reality of real murders are not. Taking someone's life is the role of hate: whether it is done through word or deed. Hate destroys. We cannot just turn it off but we can put on Christ. He did not hate his haters, He forgave. Amen!

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