Friday 8 September 2017

Confronting Sin

Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of everyone’s blood, for I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole plan of God.
Acts 20:26‭-‬27 HCSB

As I read this I am reminded of an Old Testament scripture that warns: if you see your brother sin and tell him of the
consequences, then if he listens you have saved him but if he does not listen, his blood is on his own hands; however if you fail to warn him then his blood is on your hands. Perhaps this is a Jewish saying and understanding.

This has spoken to me from the day I first saw it. I am accountable for how I handle truth. If I see my brother stumble, James tells me to correct him in gentleness. If we fail to teach the way; lead the way; challenge the way, how can we assume we are faultless before God?

The 'I don't want to get involved' attitude will not defend us before God. Now I am not talking about hateful, vindictive speech, but one on one, loving gentle speech. However, confrontation must happen! Learn to do it right. Amen!

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