Thursday 28 September 2017

Fearing Man or Fearing God

The fear of man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected.
Proverbs 29:25 HCSB

Fearing the opinions of mere mortals is indeed a snare. When We fear what man will think we do even 'good stuff' with a wrong motive. For example giving: ' there is a building fund offering and I should give or I will look mean; there is a missionary offering, I should give or will look unkind'. Not a 'Good' motive when God sees the heart. We earn no credit for those gifts.

Siding with popular opinion because of fear will see us before the Lord, looking into His eyes and knowing I chose being well thought of instead of Him. What is eternity made of? Populist thoughts or the living God who holds all things together?

Fearing man snares us into a life of doing to be seen. Ugh! Fearing God is a life of freedom to live a life honoring God and being in good relationship with Him. Choose!

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