Sunday 17 September 2017

Lady Wisdom

Don’t abandon wisdom, and she will watch over you; love her, and she will guard you. Wisdom is supreme — so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. Cherish her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you.
Proverbs 4:6‭-‬8 HCSB

Wisdom is not female but Solomon calls wisdom 'her'. French has a male and female language: e.g. la and le. Many languages have this, English does not. Solomon was writing a poetic book and the female form of a word may have been more poetic. Personally I like the French language and consider the French a more romantic race than ours.

I dont mind Solomon's use of the language. We tend to think of our mother's as wise anyway and it fits for me.

Nonetheless, we need to heed Solomon's exhortation. We should not throw away wisdom. I remember as a teenager, learning had been logical and strategic, until hormones kicked in, then there was a tendency to lay wisdom aside as too fuddy duddy in preference for more excitement. Excitement might turn on an emotional teenager but wisdom will hold them back from doing something disasterous.

I remember being 17 and wanting to help year 12 students celebrate the completion of their exams. They hired a hall and they arrived with alcohol and a rug. The room was void of decorations and seating. It did not take me long to become bored and go home. I have never found drinking to a state of drunkenness fun. The next morning my mother, who worked at the hospital, called to say two of my friends were in hospital after an accident. I am glad I was a fuddy duddy! It has saved me many times and I am grateful.

I reserve excitement for treks, diving, sane adventures. I have broken too many bones in accidents and now respect my body. Wisdom has a major part to play, we should listen. Amen!

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