Sunday 24 September 2017

More Joy

You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and new wine abound. I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, Lord , make me live in safety.
Psalms 4:7‭-‬8 HCSB

I wonder at what time in David's life this Psalm was written? It embodies content similar to those written when he was on the run from Saul but this is the first Psalm with an instruction for the playing of a musical instrument, myself, I think I would choose chello.

David know' s the joy of harvest but also, unlike many, knew the joy of the Lord's presence. I would have to agree with Him. Making a sale or baking a cake is good, watching my new plants flower for the first time is good but all these come from God. The flow is much deeper and more refreshing at the source.

On this Sunday, as I sit and relish the word of God I am reminded that nothing is better than God.

David goes on to say: ''I will lie down and sleep.' Many lie down but do not sleep. Being able to sleep is a blessing.
Only God gives true peace. Amen!

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