Monday 23 October 2017

All Have Sinned

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:23‭-‬24 HCSB

Earlier in the chapter Paul says; 'none is righteous, no, not one.'(10,11) these verses are a reference to scriptures in the Old Testament, mainly Psalms.

If we accept than not even a good person, in themselves are righteous, apart from Christ, then we can acknowledge that sin is still the problem.

We don't like to be told we are sinners. Why? In the kingdom of self we rule and decisions are made from our throne. However there is one who disputes our throne.

In the State of Western Australia, there is a family facing huge tax bills and they have been to court, to no avail. The problem is: the patriarch set up his own kingdom and called himself king. He didn't like the State he lived in and therefore refused to pay taxes. He now has a bill in the millions and is being forced to pay.

Each of us, if we insist on ruling from our own kingdom will, at death discover: there is One greater who is Lord of all and we are not Him. We will be asked what we did with His Son. If we rejected Him, as would be the case, then the King of Kings will reject us and we will spend eternity with the first rebel, Satan himself and his minions. We will discover that we have been conned and all along was following his rules, in other words, we were deceived.

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