Monday 9 October 2017

Ask in His Name

Until now you have asked for nothing in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
John 16:24 HCSB

In times of need, rather than fretting or complaining why not ask! Asking in the name of Jesus carries weight.

Jesus had been telling His disciples that He must go away and that He would send them the Holy Spirit as a counsellor. The disciples were distressed. Why was Jesus going away? They were comfortable with Him in their midst.

This morning I awoke praying and asking God for certain things. I know He has heard me and now I must trust Him to provide. Amen!

The disciples did not need to ask for anything, they had what they wanted. A times was coming when they would need and this word would have encouraged them to ask.

If you read the whole chapter you see the love Jesus had for His disciples. The same love is ours. Step into that love! Amen!

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