Monday 9 October 2017

Sorrow Turns to Joy

So you also have sorrow now. But I will see you again. Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will rob you of your joy.
John 16:22 HCSB

The disciples were facing a very troubling and hard time. Here Jesus was encouraging them: "Yes it will be tough but soon, you will get through this and there will be joy, and no-one will be able to take away your joy!"

Today I had a tough day. It felt like I was am underweight in the ring with a big brute. Work was hard, I was unwell with a virus and the demands were constant. I almost went to bed early but decided to have a shower and go again.

After Jesus was crucified Peter went fishing. Fishing is a good place to zone out. I garden, paint or read. I find gardening very restful, art is similar.

Sometimes the pain is so bad we need time out to recover and process. Losing loved ones is hard. Losing your home is hard but losing your Lord, now that would be devastating. Kind David thought he had lost the Lord's presence when he live with the Philistines for a time. He thought God was territorial. Peter thought Jesus was only God whilst alive. We are so limited in our understanding.

Our God is bigger than our understanding or concepts of who He is. He is so much bigger! Trust Him! Amen!

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