Wednesday 4 October 2017


Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices.
Hebrews 13:16 HCSB

What good can I do? Look at others with seeing eyes and understanding hearts. It is so easy to just exist and do tasks when people need heart interactions. When we give heart interactions we show we care and release the love of God.

Sharing can be as simple as a smile or conversation. Today I waited at the train station for my mum to arrive. The train was late and it was warm. A lady came along to get a drink of water at the fountain I happened to be sitting near. She made a comment and so I stopped and turned and conversed with her. Her eyes said "Thanks!" My heart heard "Thanks!" From above.

Looking at others and bothering to see them is a sacrifice. I take my focus off me and my issues and see others. While I waited I also had a call from an international group who worked for justice, wanting money. I told the man I would sign his petition but would not give him money. I have so many calls every day for some cause or other and I know that I must give but because I have given indiscriminately in the past I am waiting on God for His call.

Sharing what I have with others is important but so is wisdom. What is God doing? Where is His focus for me?

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