Thursday 9 November 2017

God's Messengers

I assure you: Whoever receives anyone I send receives Me, and the one who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”
John 13:20 HCSB

The challenge for us is to discern who God has sent with healing and words for us. Jesus had a problem in Galilee, they knew Him and refused to accept that God's Son was someone they had known, yet others were raised from the dead, healed and delivered by Him.

There could be people we know who have been sent from God to lay hands of healing on us, however, because we know them we refuse to believe God would use them.

How awful to stand before the Lord and ask "Why didn't you heal me?" And have Him reply: " I sent John and Ruby but you would not receive from them!" To know God indeed hears our prayers and sends help.

May we be receptive to God's messengers! Amen!

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