Tuesday 7 November 2017

How Do I Speak?

From the words of his mouth, a man will enjoy good things, but treacherous people have an appetite for violence.
Proverbs 13:2 HCSB

I love to paint and know what a pleasure it is to create a work of art. Likewise a word well spoken blesses the hearer. Good word use can be a joy, if you stop and take time to employ it.

I am visiting grandchildren tonight. One boy is autistic and it is very important to speak carefully. Tonight I taught he and his brother Archie to play a game called Rummiking. With wise speech I was able to show this boy why actions were important. Normally Ryan will react to losing. However, tonight he took it well.

I know full well the times I fail my friends and family, however if I focus on blessing then I forget about me and think of others.

Treacherous people don't care about others and speak indiscriminately. We need to choose how we will speak.

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