Wednesday 8 November 2017

Pay Attention

And tell Archippus, “Pay attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord, so that you can accomplish it.”
Colossians 4:17 HCSB

I heard an interesting message by John Bevere some time this year in which he said: when you stand before the throne of God He is going to ask you what you did with what He gave you. The thrust of the message was that many are off doing what they think the Lord wanted instead of being right where He wanted them to be.

My constant struggle is against freshly desires to be where I 'feel comfortable' and that is usually with family. I also love serving in the church but God wants me out with the lost. Now, I must say, I love that place best.

At times I would rather curl up with a good book than go out to circulate with neighbours. Last weekend was typical of this. I knew I had to start welding my community together and set out to invite them to a street Christmas party. I put down my book and went. The response was amazing.

We need to have ears to hear; eyes to see and a heart to respond. God's kingdom is waiting! Amen!

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