Thursday 16 November 2017

Thanks and Praise

Now therefore, our God, we give You thanks and praise Your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 HCSB

So much is happening in our world: so much bad and not enough good, it seems. But then, it depends on what you listen to. Millions are coming to Christ. The sick are being healed, lives are being restored. Maybe not where you live or to the people we know but it is happening.

My mum went back into hospital on Monday, yet I mobilised prayer support and she is recovering faster than ever before. My church prays every week and people are being healed and souls are being saved. In my city, Tamworth, we had one of the best results against gay marriage. It was only marginally ahead of those who voted No. Our politicians in the area are good men and women. Our police force are rounding up criminals at the rate of knots. Our city is prospering, praise God!

We need to focus on what God is doing! Amen!.HE has never ever been surprised and always keeps moving to bring about His purposes. He is good!

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