Friday 17 November 2017

He Gives Us the Victory

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1 Corinthians 15:57 HCSB

What is victory? It is overcoming! The biggest hurdle we need to overcome is our emotional life and self-pity. The somebody done me wrong song has to cease. Poor me!

Perhaps you had been in a better financial position before now, perhaps you've lost your house, your family, your job and all that you felt identified you. I have been there. However it was the best thing that happened to me. Now I have my identy in Christ, now I am established on the rock and nothing can hurt me.

When you go through loss people with what you have lost affect you. Put up your shield! Don't let the voices or images into your heart. Accept them as them and be pleased for them. Let your source of contentment be God! Allow Him to heal you and restore you. Getting replacement people or things will not fix you. Only God can heal you. Amen!

I can hear the timid voice: "But what will I become? Who am I now?" You are a child of God being formed into the image of His Son. Do what is before you, take one step at time and go where He leads you! Amen!

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