Wednesday 20 December 2017

God With Us

She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 HCSB

This verse is a portion of that given to Joseph by an angel in a dream. Joseph was thinking of divorcing Mary for being pregnant, however God intervened.

Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua which means ' the Lord saves.' In Isaiah 7:14 He is called Immanuel, which translated is God with us.

Prophesy foretold that Jesus would come and that He would save His people. Unfortunately they saw the salvation as that required from Roman rule not their sins. This misinterpretation caused them to miss His beautiful manifestation of the Godhead.

If we assign the role of: deliverer from a difficult life, we will miss His glorious deliverance from our sin and sin we do. I know we struggle to acknowledge our sin, especially if we retain the Lordship of our lives, but sin is prevalent in the way we treat each other.

Let us remember why He came and embrace that coming. If I allow Jesus to be Lord then He will truly set me free. Amen!

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