Saturday 30 December 2017

I Love Your Instruction

I hate those who are double-minded, but I love Your instruction. You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in Your word.
Psalms 119:113‭-‬114 HCSB

Only God's word is true. However many have been crushed by picking a random scripture to justify a wayward heart. If I am lazy and expect God to provide, I may be disappointed as the whole counsel of scritpure must be taken. The above scripture may be taken to believe I will not experience bad things, I do. However they don't destroy me, unless I let them. My attitude is very important. I cannot behave as a spoilt child and expect things to work out.

Mankind, on the other hand are inclined to be double minded, especially if they give their 'yes' before considering all the facts and then having to say 'no'. As a young leader, Queen Elizabeth had this problem. She did not know that there was not only protocol, that the government had a say, the church had a say and ancient law also had a say. At one time she gave her 'yes' to her sister who wanted to marry a divorced man when the Church of England said 'no.' The ensuing mess was hard for both herself and her sister.

I am sure we create such messes, constantly by being ill advised or hot headed. We always live to regret our actions.

God is immovable, He changes not. I can trust Him to be my anchor. Amen!

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