Wednesday 27 December 2017

Walk and Not Faint

but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 HCSB

Today I found myself unwell and pondering this scripture as my flesh was giving me good cause to be anxious. I thought to myself: now, walking on water here requires me to pick up this bag of bones, fat and muscle and step out into divine health. We had visitors and I had to go to the post as well. Whilst out I reasoned with myself as to why I was feeling palpitations and chest pain. I remembered I have been taking a brand of multi-vitamins that had done this to me before. I seem to be very susceptible to certain minerals. I had bought these supplements when under stress at year end with work.

It is amazing how thoughts of asking my visiting brother to take me to outpatients turned aside to more productive endeavours, namely hemming up his new jeans.

I figured that God has me against the wall in every other area of my life, this was just another exercise in faith, I trust!

I have been in awe of my God and His ways, as in 'walking on water'and many more. I am pondering that I am made in His image and I want to take the dirt and create something wonderful. So far, I have a hill of dirt and nothing more. You might say I am in creator school.

More to come on that score.....

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