Monday 11 December 2017

You Will Be Established

and you will be established on a foundation of righteousness. You will be far from oppression, you will certainly not be afraid; you will be far from terror, it will certainly not come near you. If anyone attacks you, it is not from Me; whoever attacks you will fall before you.
Isaiah 54:14‭-‬15 HCS

Ever had one of those days when you thought: 'nothing worse could befall me' and it does? Well today was one such day. To be a financial planner in 2017 is painful. We have mountains of compliance; reduction in commissions; and an expectation to pay registration and insurance for a growing number of reasons. So, less pay, more costs, greater expectation in education and accreditation. You think you have finally nailed it only to discover, no there's more.

I am glad I am female. I had a cry and recovered. I am glad my mum lives with me, she understood and gave me a hug. I am grateful. After I recovered I decided that this will make me a hum- dinger planner. I am worth more!

Although I am exhausted, I must continue to completion. Then I can rest. The weather is heating up and making work harder. Dreams of wading in the sea fill my mind. It will take a miracle for that to happen right now. I long for the salt water rock pool in Narrabeen, Sydney. The water is cool, clear amd soooo beautiful. Ah! I will have to to go there in my dreams.

The bible is full of stories of warfare. In times of battle, there is no vacation. It is hard work and dangerous. There is a goal. Best of all: God promises to be with us and not allow us to be harmed. Praise Him!

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