Thursday 11 January 2018

Anger Without Sin

Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the Devil an opportunity.
Ephesians 4:26‭-‬27 HCSB

Yes it is ok to be angry. There are many things we should be angry about: abuse of children; exploitation of the poor; unrighteous and unfair judgements and the list goes on. Jesus was angered by religion and religious leaders. However He did not sit plotting their demise. They were quite capable of destroying themselves. Even though these very people were the ones to crucify Him, He still forgave them.

What do I do with my anger? Pray! Seek God for a solution. At present we are having a spate of break-ins in my city. I am praying they are caught by the police. Thievery is invasion and wrong, it has to stop. The elderly and vulnerable are targeted. Staying angry about this will not bring power into the equation, but prayer will.

Last year I was involved with helping two cancer patients get pay outs. The insurers we very difficult. I got angry on behalf of the clients and took steps I knew would bring a resolution, I got them. However staying angry will not help.

Just before Christmas I had records I needed and the educator would not give them to me, they bullied and shoved. I got angry and then prayed. I sent a final email wishing them a happy Christmas and when they finally replied they could not have been more helpful.

There are better solutions than brute force. God force is much better. Today I am going to experience that. My car goes in for an expensive repair that is a fault. It broke before and again over Christmas. Gentleness won. I did not fight or accuse and today I pay nothing, the manufacturer pays. Amen!

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