Thursday 11 January 2018


The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must do honest work with his own hands, so that he has something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28 HCSB

Stealing is offensive to God and man. We need to allow God to speak to us about areas we may think is ok. Our culture or environment may think a thing is ok, but what does God say? From the above passage we would gather that stealing in any form is not ok.

Charging fees for a service we do not give is not ok. A term deposit has the fees there but they are hidden and many people think that they have no fees, they do. They are accounted for before an interest rate is declared.

Fees for financial services are now under scrutiny. No longer can large fees and payments be made to financial managers or planners. In Australia the government is changing the playing field.

I notice that in the entertainment industry sexual harassment is being taken to task because this also is a form of stealing. It is wrong.

I applaud regulators for bring truth to light and setting parameters in all areas to protect the vulnerable. Praise God!

Our God has a standard and it is the one worth seeking: honour all men (generic).

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