Friday 12 January 2018

What spirit is This?

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1 HCSB

Everything is said to come from one spirit or another: a spirit of grace, a spirit of anger, a spirit of hatred, a spirit of love. Of late there have been vast changes in the Western world around same-sex marriage. It is touted in the Spirit of love, things are done in the Spirit of friendship as well. However not all are rightly named. Often the 'spirit of love' is the Spirit of lust in disguise and the 'spirit of friendship' is a cover for a more devious motive where friendship does not abide.

As Christians we cannot get caught up in the emotional frenzy of the world but rather stay true to the Lord. What matters to Him? Would He make a fuss about this? Christ was passionate about the cross, single minded. He loved the disciples, He loved His family, He loved His friends yet none could dissuade Him from the cross.

What is important to me? Heaven and eternity are important to me. I love my family and friends but will not change direction for them. My life must flow out of the deep waters of the Spirit. That is where I need to be.

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