Monday 29 January 2018

Believe IN ME!

Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.
John 14:10‭-‬11 HCSB

Jesus now has Phillip asking to see the Father, after Jesus had just told the disciples that He and the Father were one. We can be so frustrating, us who have never seen Him, but here were those who walked with Him for three years getting it all wrong.

I am sure the record is there to encourage us. I awoke in the wee hours fretting about all the study I have to do and not being quick on the uptake. I managed to calm myself (in my imagination I get on a bus and go fishing). I have practised controlled imagination for a long time now, however there are still times it takes all my strength to hold my emotions in check.

This morning the Lord whispered: " remember when you faced your finals for nursing when you were 20, I came through then and will come through now." I studied all day and had three lectures from 5.30 pm to 9.30pm with 30 minutes in between each. The lectures were more structured problem solving and related tax law (rivetting!!)

I made it and started to feel at home. Whilst my speed is still not as quick as the young members I am getting there, much like the tortoise. Ha Ha!

My God has a plan and He is so good!! Amen!

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