Tuesday 9 January 2018

Commit Your Ways

Commit your activities to the Lord , and your plans will be achieved.
Proverbs 16:3 HCSB

The word commit is usually used in the negative, as in commit sin or commit an offence. However here it carries the meaning of committment: dedicated to a cause. If I am committed to the cause of say fund raising or raising the awareness of the exploitation of children in third world countries, I live and breathe the cause. If I am committed to Christ, I live and breathe Him.

Therefore, if I commit my activities to the Lord, I do so intentionally, leaving them with Him. It's like leaving the clothes with the dry cleaner. They are the ones who have the skill and ability to clean the clothes. Our God is the One who has the skill and ability to bring things to pass.

Our job is to trust Him. Amen!

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