Saturday 20 January 2018

Love Rides Above All

If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2 HCSB

No gift or talent is so important that love becomes as nothing. There is no excuse for not showing love. Love is more important than anything else. No problem can be so pressing that abuse of others is allowed.

Yesterday I had driven for three hours in searing heat and stopped on the way home to buy my dog some bones. ( i felt like Mrs Hubbard).When I returned to my car, it would not start. Having just had major work done on the car I called the service centre but was told it was probably a battery. I was connected to road side assistance and told they would be there in the hour. As it was 40c I removed myself and my dog bones into the nearest store. They were kind enough to house my meat in their cool room. It took the help around 30 minutes to come. When the man came he started the car and confirmed my problem but did not give me a new battery but told me where to buy one.

In a city full of campers here for the Country Music Festival I was not relishing going into the frey but off I went skirting around the crowd. The battery shop was most helpful. When I complained that the roadside assistance did not have a battery the man explained that my car required a European battery and the man would not have had one. In fact the man had come in a tow truck and had very little to offer, but He did start my car.

I had to control my attitude and behaviour as heat, crowds and noise tend to annoy. I am glad I did. The men at the battery shop were great and I came away blessed and not too light of pocket.

I know God is working on my love. He allows things to go wrong just to show me His better way. Who knows I might have had a scruffy angel come to me aid.

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