Wednesday 31 January 2018

Our Redeemer Lives

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This came from the Lord ; it is wonderful in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:22‭-‬24 HCSB

Jesus is the cornerstone, the very stone that the builders (religious leaders) rejected. Even though man rejected their saviour, He became the cornerstone. Cornerstones were important as they held the buildings together. This stone bears the weight of the building and provides the level. Jesus took the weight of our sin upon Himself and provided us with the standard by which we should live.

Yet God had a plan. The rejection and crucifixion of Jesus paid the ransom for our souls. We can trust Him, He is reliable and will not fail.

Today is a significant day. Today is the day of the blood moon. It is also the first day of the Jewish new year. Today is also the beginning of a new period of time. We are closer to the end. Jesus, the one who mankind rejects is coming. Today there is an outpouring of the Spirit to bring conviction of sin, like never before. Now is the day of salvation! Amen!

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