Wednesday 31 January 2018

A Spacious Place

I called to the Lord in distress; the Lord answered me and put me in a spacious place.
Psalms 118:5 HCSB

On the weekend I prayed and asked the Lord for help with my studies. My head needed to expand. He answered me. On Monday morning I thought I might be in for a struggle, but I finished the day knowing I had turned the corner.

Today I started studying again around 12 and studied until 4.30pm ending with a trial quiz. I passed and saw how I had worried about nothing. Now I can study for the next two days for my quiz which counts for 20%, on Saturday. I know I will be ok. The study is becoming easier. On Monday morning I felt like I did not have what it takes, but with God I am able.

How good is He? I listened to a podcast by Bill Johnson yesterday and he alluded to the fact that no matter how many times God takes us, successfully, through something, each time the immensity of the task overwhelms us. He used the example of the apostles in the boat when Jesus was telling the disciples not to partake of the leven of the Pharisees and because they had forgotten to bring bread they thought He was accusing them. No! He was teaching them.

We are the same. Each time I freeze I have to remind myself of the times I have not failed. Praise God! He is my Keeper. Amen!

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