Tuesday 16 January 2018


Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure with turmoil.
Proverbs 15:16 HCSB

You can have a fortune and live in fear of losing it. You can be wealthy and not know the Lord as a friend. It is better to know the Lord. The apostle Paul said he had known both but was able to be content wherever he was. Why was he content? He had found the Lord as friend.

I remember growing up thinking we were rich yet we, by the standards of wealth, were not wealthy. My mum and dad always provided for all our needs and occasionally our wants. As the eldest child I always received new clothes as I was bigger. If I asked my second sister or third sister the story may be different. So, I have a memory to draw on. I do not need many new clothes to make me happy. When I need them I buy them. I do not like too many bags, where would I put them. I have enough shoes and tend to wear one pair, generally, anyway.

I an rich because I have the Lord. He is my portion. Yesterday He visited several times. I looked across the table and knew He was there during a break from work.

On Sunday I had new visitors over for lunch. I have found new friends and kindred spirits. These are treasures indeed. I am rich! They were talking about what they would say if the Lord turned up. Yesterday I smiled, grateful! It was a thank You smile!

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