Monday 26 February 2018

My Home

Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.
Revelation 21:3 HCSB

God's heart has always been to be with His people. Now, through Christ, He will have a people washed by the blood of the lamb and He can dwell with them for eternity.

In ours hearts, each of has a longing for relationship. The best relationship possible is with our God. For with Him we are complete. No more longing. Always there! Praise Him!

My greatest longing is for my family, apart from Him, who is my Father. I can imagine His longing for us. God is all about family: His family. It does not look like what we consider it should look like. We will be surprised. I think He can handle punk rockers as well as gentle elderly and squealing babies.

We have a future and a hope. The entrance is through the cross.

Today I gave a Muslim woman a copy of The Passion and said: "this is what Easter is to me." She told me she likes to hang around me as I make her feel good. I told her it was Jesus in me that made it that way. I am not always good. I am praying she watches the movie and has a revlation about the importance of the cross. Amen!

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