Friday, 2 February 2018

Search For the Lord

Search for the Lord and for His strength; seek His face always.
Psalms 105:4 HCSB

Right now I need the Lord's strength. It has been a long day with much of it sitting at the airport waiting for my mother's plane to be made ready. After a long wait we were told it was not going to fly. We came home, had lunch and I studied until we needed to return. This time we were successful.

I returned home to study and did so for several hours then running out of steam. I took a break:had dinner, walked the dog and back to it. However, calculations are wearing me out. I am tired.

My dog just started barking and I went out to see the best sunset. What glory!

Whilst walking today I spent time with the neighbours chatting. I love my neighbours. How blessed am I! The little children love me dog and He loves them. I think they are special as well.

My God is my strength and song, Him I can rely on!

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