Monday 19 February 2018

Waiting Expectantly

Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the man who carries out evil plans.
Psalms 37:7 HCSB

Waiting before the Lord has two requirements: be quiet, stop flapping; be expectant.

Our tendency is to not be quiet but rather ramble on in an agitated fashion, complain or bemoan our circumstances. However, when we are silent we can be worshipful. To help me still my mental state and my mouth, I colour in my secret garden book. Colouring in switches off the whir-click of the left hand side of the brain. As a financial planner my whir-click is well oiled. Therefore, I must disengage it and art does that for me. I paint as well. However my latest is colouring in existing art. Less mess and readily available.

I am in the final count down for my exam on Saturday. Today was spent in study and note taking. As I still myself I can see the outcome, a good result. I accomplished a lot today and am satisfied with the work I have done.

I have noticed the more I switch off and am at peace the more God moves. He likes room to moove. Amen!

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