Friday 9 March 2018

Flesh vs Spirit

For the mind-set of the flesh is hostile to God because it does not submit itself to God’s law, for it is unable to do so.
Romans 8:7 HCSB

I know when I am inclined to the flesh, I feel all antsy. My desire is not for God or things of God. At these times I must submit myself to God and ask for mercy and grace and He gives it in spades.

Today has been a difficult day. I drove for 31/2 hours to a city where there are a lot of roadworks with a GPS that won't speak. I am having to hold my GPS to see the directions and endeavour to not run off the road.

Then we had to fight through sardine packed traffic to accommodation that was wrongly addressed. Finally we made it and paid $25 to park under the motel. Parking at the airport also cost $25. Expensive place to visit.

You might say I was a little cross. I called the motel and told them they were not where they were supposed to be. In fact they were around the corner. (Wipe away the egg from my face).

Lord have mercy!

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