Wednesday 21 March 2018


I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
John 16:33 HCSB

We don't like to accept we will have suffering but we do. Two days ago I caught up with a couple who were saved around the same time as I, back in the 70s. We reminisced about all who had come to know the Lord in that time. All had met difficult times but not all handled it the same. It was good to know most were still connected to church. Often this is not the case. Many fall away when difficult times come. We agreed that the message back then was: 'come to Christ and all your problems would go', not so.

Life is full of suffering, some suffer more than others. Often I suffer because I misjudge circumstances. For example I have just returned from Tasmania and I had my grandson with me. He ate way more than I allowed for and consumed more funds than I allowed for, yet provision was there. Sometimes we struggle because we just do not estimate accurately how people will receive us as well.

Yet there is a suffering that Jesus was teaching His disciples about and that was persecution for the faith. Many in the West, to date, have not experienced this type of suffering. Yet it is gradually infiltrating our societies. Those who live in countries where it is illegal to be a Christian suffer most.

In this chapter Jesus explains why suffering happens: because the world does not know Him or understand Him, or those who choose Him. As we make a stand for Christ we will face opposition, it is to be expected but He is There and His Holy Spirit will sustain us. Amen!

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