Saturday 24 March 2018

The Lord Protects

Know that the Lord has set apart the faithful for Himself; the Lord will hear when I call to Him.
Psalms 4:3 HCSB

Many live as if they must be the author of destiny while many more live as if circumstance controls their destiny. For me both are wrong. My God plans my steps and I walk in safety. Whilst my steps go awful close to boiling lava and snarling demons, i am safe with Him.

It is wrong to assume life is wrong if there are episodes of boiling lava and demons. It is also wrong to assume our God has forsaken us, if we see them.

We have to learn to trust in the storm. We learn this by going to the storm. Remember He walks on the waves, if I am close to Him, so do I. There's the rub!

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