Sunday 25 March 2018

The Plan

The next day, when the large crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet Him. They kept shouting: “ Hosanna! He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One — the King of Israel! ”
John 12:12‭-‬13 HCSB

The people were gathering to celebrate the Passover. They took palm branches- the Jewish national symbol and meanwhile the Pharisees were plotting both His death and the second death of Lazarus,(that is funny- death has already been defeated once) because he was part of the cause of the exuberant crowd.

Jesus was not going to be too impressed with the crowd as some of the same people could well have been those who, a few days later shouted "crucify Him!" Yet this was all part of the plan, God's plan.

Jesus now goes back into Jerusalem in preparation for the fulfillment of prophesy. He would be His Father's lamb that would be slain and take away the sins of all mankind. The people would celebrate the Passover with an ordinary lamb incapable of such an act.

I am reminded of Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son, way back thousands of years before. Abraham was the earthly Father of all these people, yet their heavenly Father had a better way. This Son would be slain and this Son would redeem all from the curse of sin. This Son would rise again after preaching to all those who had died and waited in hope. Abraham was one who would have received the gospel of truth, along with all those who came after him.

What a perfect, grievious, plan. The Son of God would be slain. The sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Jesus paid the price of my sin and has redeemed me to live for Him. Amen! How good is that!!

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