Tuesday 3 April 2018

Loving God First

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:5 HCSB

The chance to see how strong our love for God is, is when things go wrong. In these times: will I trust Him or will I rail against Him as being unfair?

We see relationships break down as love is lost. Perhaps what in fact is lost is the padding, the illusion, the pretence, the dream. What is left is what we really entered into a relationship with: that beautiful woman has a spiteful nature when not being cute; that handsome man has a violent temper when he drinks, and He likes his alcohol.

What did we refuse to believe about our partners in the heady infatuation? What causes us to enter into relationships in the first place?

Did we come to God because we thought He might be our Genie in a bottle? Did we really think He would stand by and allow us to rule Him? He is God and creator of all. We must love and serve Him. He must be first in all things. Amen!

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