Friday 20 April 2018

My Mouth

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive, but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2

Appearing wise or foolish all comes down to behaviour. What a trying day to end a trying week. To top it off I had a call from a compliance officer wanting to book in an audit. I told him where to go so well he laughed. At times we want to vent and rip the offenders apart. The emotion I was experiencing today was overwhelming. To top it off my printer kept demanding more toner, I still don't have internet and still am using 'hot spotting' with my mobile. I was having to submit new business on a new system that was not working, clients calling, mum wanting her hair put in hair rollers and a brother coming for lunch.

My insides were shredded. I am glad I went walking this morning and sang almost all the way. I needed that! Fortunately I was able to be gracious to clients calling for help. Clients rely on us for grace and good service. We are problem solvers.

So good to make it through the day. Mum is happy with her hair. I was able to talk to my grandson Myer and that was a joy. It the midst of all dramas there are treasures. Look for them!

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