Friday 20 April 2018

Choose Life

A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.
Proverbs 15:1 HCSB

Why do harsh words come? Probably we are running on empty and have not spent time in the Spirit so that what flows out is a river of life instead of an avalanche of mud.

At the end of a trying week I am often tired. When I am tired I need to refresh. If I don't refresh I am running on empty. How do I refresh? Giving myself space, seeking God and listening to podcasts from the preachers I listen to, intentional singing in the spirit and worship, gardening and painting.

People don't deserve my wrath. It is nasty and destroys life. They deserve life. Life speaks of God and His ways. Amen! Life ministers and draws people, harsh words repel. Choose Life!

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