Sunday 29 April 2018

Rest in The Vine

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 HCSB

Some versions of this scripture render: rest for your soul. Our soul is our mind, will and intellect, our emotions, the part we identify with being 'us.'

If we think about it anxiety and fear attack this area. We would have heard, in days gone by:'my soul is troubled within me.'

This is the part that Jesus came to set free and give rest. We can hand over our anxieties to Him and receive His rest in exchange. The way to stay in rest is to abide in Him.

We have all experienced fierce storms. Branches attached to a strong vine will weather the storm, whereas branches that have withered become dry and will snap and be blown away.

I must stay supple and drink deeply from the nourishment of the vine, it is good and heals me, restores me, fulfills me. Amen!

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