Wednesday 11 April 2018

What do I Focus on?

Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God.
Colossians 3:2‭-‬3 HCSB

This is the challenge when so much of this earth is screaming for attention. We have to have training in righteousness. It does not come by osmosis; it does not come by magic but by learning.

Today I realised that, much of how I do things is driven by anxious toil or dread of being penalised if I have not done what I am doing by a certain time. Our God is not in this! If I am being diligent in my work I will accomplish what I must, in time, by being diligent. The axe has not fallen. Although forests are falling all around me, I am safe.

Setting my mind above means making space around my world for the presence of God and trusting Him to inhabit that space and lead me. It does not mean I am sitting on a seashore meditating on the clouds. I can make space by refusing to react.

Today I had another little Indian call me and want to discuss my migration to NBN (type of internet). I asked how he was and then said: "Do I have the NBN?" He hung up! Now there is a change! By the way my internet is still not back on. Tonight I saw on a community post on Facebook (yes I'm still there!) That many people in my area have the same problem. Praise God for mobiles that can hotspot! Ha ha!

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