Monday 16 April 2018

What does Loving the Lord Look Like?

For I am commanding you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, statutes, and ordinances, so that you may live and multiply, and the Lord your God may bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
Deuteronomy 30:16 HCSB

What does loving the Lord look like for me? It is not an emotional response to a beautiful view or photo, even though these evoke gratitude.

For me it has to be allowing Him into the hidden parts of my life. Truth must dwell there. If I be honest there are short-cuts there where there should not be. My personality is the true Australian: 'she'll be right mate', in other words optimism. I have never really embrace detail and it has been where my greatest effort has been. My work required detail and it has been my weakness, therefore my greatest effort has been here. I am grateful for auditors and compliance they keep me accurate.

Truth can be compromised with a she'll be right attitude. It also carries an annoyance with detail. It wants outcome without complete structure. This cannot be so! What will I compromise for an outcome?

Of late the Lord has been dealing with the why. Why do I want short-cuts. For me it has been an avoidance of pain. My pain is more the emotional frustration type of pain. I have been learning to embrace it and allow for the cause of it. I have been asking myself: 'why is this upsetting you? Let it go!'

By facing myself and dealing with the unreasonable reasons I move on with something I didn't have before: maturity in emotions around pain. This little exercise is allowing God to be GOD. He must rule my innermost parts and truth must reign. Amen!

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