Thursday 19 April 2018

What is Good, Clean and Lovely?

Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil, humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you.
James 1:21 HCSB

Do I avoid moral filth? Yes! Or do I chase after the implanted word of God? Yes both. However, we all know trying to avoid chocolate makes it more alluring. Thrrefore my focus should be more of the good and a result will naturally be: less of the bad.

Going around condemned and conscious of evil within keeps my eyes on me. Going around conscious of God's good draws me to Him.

When having to decide what movies to watch: good uplifting movies without filth. When choosing what books to read: good moral stories with an uplifting tale.

When choosing what company to keep: those with clean mouths and good conversation not filthy conversation. It might mean new friends. Pray and ask God for pure friends.

Whatever is good and clean and lovely- think on these things! Philippians 4:8.

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